More on homeschooling and divorce

I recently wrote an article about when homeschooling becomes an issue in divorce. Basically, it is very common for one parent (usually the husband) to be supportive in homeschooling, and even possibly the initiator, until divorce. Then they decide that they are not behind it at all and what the kids in public school. Judges also tend to be biased against homeschooling assuming the children are over sheltered. Homeschooling has never been successful if both parents do not agree. Homeschooling cannot be done in a bubble and against the will of one parent. I have to wonder that if in … Continue reading

When homeschooling becomes an issue in divorce

When families decide to homeschool it is usually a joint decision between both parents. However, when families divorce, one parent is suddenly vehemently against allowing the other parent to continue. In most of these cases, it is a matter of punishing and controlling the homeschooling parent… never mind how it affects the child. The thing that homeschooling parents need to most understand is that homeschooling decisions should not be made in a bubble. No matter how strongly one parent feels about homeschooling, it is best to not proceed unless both parents feel as strongly. Don’t’ try to cajole, sweet talk, … Continue reading